There’s a Lot at Stake with School Field Trips

School Field Trips

Education administrators are under a lot of pressure. Not only must they provide a thorough, comprehensive learning program for students, they also must achieve top-quality standardized testing scores, maintain aging facilities, and supervise dozens of teachers, assistants, and support staff.

Most importantly, however, school officials need to keep children safe. Parents are depending on them to provide for the safety and well-being of their most precious children for hours at a time five days per week during the school year.

Providing for school safety when students are in the classroom is challenging enough. But when they leave the safety of the school grounds and go to a remote location for a field trip, the risks are increased.

The Risk of Unreliable Transportation

The last thing a school administrator wants to do is to call the parents of 30 or 40 children to tell them their field trip transportation has broken down and their kids are stranded by the side of a road somewhere.

The consequences of making the wrong decision for school field trip transportation are enormous. Not only can it put children’s safety at risk, but it also can put school administrators in the hot seat. It may even lead to civil lawsuits filed against the school, not to mention bad publicity. And that’s not anything school administrators or school boards want to deal with.

There’s a Lot at Stake with School Field Trips – Safety Record

That’s why a growing number of school administrators are choosing for all their school field trip transportation needs. our fleet of new, reliable tour buses can transport students where they are going in comfort and luxury.

Plus, they feature state-of-the-art safety features that help ensure there will be zero complications along the way. And our drivers are the best in the business.

School field trips are too important to take chances with low-bid, bargain-basement transportation. Choose the safest. Choose the best. Choose

Make the Most of Your Next Field Trip

Fun School Outings

Field trips are supposed to be fun. But they also should be educational. To make the most of your next class outing, follow these suggestions to improve the experience for students.

Pre-Trip Research

Before the field trip day arrives, announce the location to students and assign a research project related to the destination. For example, if you have scheduled a field trip for younger elementary school students to the local zoo, have them choose the animal they most want to see then have them write a short paragraph about that specific animal.

Older students visiting a museum, planetarium, aquarium, or other destination can be assigned more comprehensive pre-trip assignments, such as a 300-word essay on what they most are looking forward to during their field trip.

Field trip – Hands-On Experience

Most children learn better if they have something tactile to hold onto during their experience. If possible, arrange to have pass-outs such as official brochures, maps, or information about the destination.

Inquire about educational programs offered by the venue. Free materials are often available from popular field trip destinations such as museums. But make sure to inquire early so that there is plenty of time to make arrangements for the delivery and distribution of materials.

Make It Count

During the bus ride back, ask students questions about their experience. What did they like most? What would they do again? Did their pre-trip research enhance their experience?

Prepare a field trip worksheet that includes both factual and subjective questions about their experience. Have them complete it at home and return it as homework the next day. This encourages students to think about their field trip experience so they can remember and learn from it.

Field trips should combine fun and learning in an environment that is new and engaging. Creating lasting memories while learning something new is the goal.


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